Monday, October 22, 2007

Coimbatore career, job tips - surely give a niche.

Career Tips - Here outlines some tips on how to build better career
1. Give yourself unique, valuable and marketable skills with training courses.
2. Accumulate daily working techniques, to give yourself an unsurpassable professionalism.
3. Devise your career plan through
4.Market yourself with a killer ProFile CV.
5. Plug those gaps in your career knowledge through
6. keep records of your work, your results and your improvements as evidence for your CV.
7. Your aim is to build an impressive CV and to back it up with the facts and figures of your proof of capability
8. Keep your eyes and ears open. Talk to friends. Can you club together and start something? Think about what interests you; what you already know something about. What have you learnt from your employer than you can apply outside? Can you trade your skills elsewhere? Are there certain elements of what your employer does that you could do better or cheaper? Are there ideas and suggestions that would work but which they have failed to or refuse to take on board? Accumulate everything you can from them that you think might help.
9. Keep these questions in your mind and sooner or later ideas will start to flow, often in the most unexpected places. I'm always on the look out for good part-time business ideas myself to pass onto ProFile members. Perhaps I will have the opportunity to divulge some to you in the future.


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